
How we farm…

Regenerative Farming

On McIvor Farm, we use a farming method called ‘Regenerative Farming’ which means we are focused on restoring the landscape’s function as a healthy ecosystem that results in sustainable production for animals and plants as well as an improved natural resource base that has a healthy lifecycle with increased biodiversity and greater resilience.

What we feed our pigs

Pigs are omnivores, like you & me - so they need a balanced diet to give them the best life of growing, breeding and living to a ripe-old-age.

Our pigs eat a nutritious diet that includes organic matter and a blend of Australian grains, proteins and amino acids.

As Belinda is an experienced animal nutritionist, with approximately 20 years of working with feed-mills and consultants for the Australian pig industry she has much experience and insight to what is the ‘norm’ in pig diets.  This has lead McIvor Farm to being very particular to what ingredients are used in making their custom diet for their pigs.

Life On A Regenerative Farm

We are soil farmers who run pigs, cattle & sheep across our property to help us regenerate the land we live on by putting nutrients and biodiversity back into the farm’s ecosystem.

We have a herd of mostly Berkshire pigs, which are an old breed of pig, who act like natural-four legged ploughs to turn the soil and add nutrients back into the paddocks they live in. We plant seasonal crops like daikon radishes, grasses and grains that carry water down into the soil to create the ideal conditions for bugs, worms and critters to grow. The pigs are moved into these plant filled paddocks to dig up and eat these plants for nourishment and fun. As a result they turn the soil for us and add organic matter back into the soil for the next crop to grow.

For decades in Australia, intensive stock farming has led to the degradation of the land, removing flora and fauna and biodiversity in the land. This has lead to soil devoid of nutrients and life. This leads to a host of negative outcomes including erosion, poor growth yields for crops and unhealthy land for animals and people.

We’re working to end the degradation of land through stock farming and to create a closed loop system where we can grow as much of the food we can for the animals, and they in turn help us to aerate and turn the soil, to create optimal conditions for biodiversity and healthier land management practices for future generations.”

The Regeneration doesn’t stop at the farm - we can be part of regenerating communities - employment for locals, living in small local, regional towns - supporting local business, shops, sporting groups…

The success of a local business - also allows sponsorship & donations to local groups - the circle of economy.

Regenerative Agriculture is the future….

And most importantly, YOU! You are an integral part of our Farm!

We can’t do what we love - without YOU!

This has been our message since we started - YOU are an important part of our Journey!

We have been blessed to have many of our customers be part of our journey for over a decade - many have watched the business develop, children come along & watch them grow BUT most of all our customers BELIEVE in our ethics, morals and values - most of all they come back for the TASTE!

“The way PIGS should LIVE…. the way PORK should TASTE!”

There is a belief that Farmers Markets, small boutique produce is more expensive - well is the glass Half empty or Half Full? Maybe we should be asking “Why is that supermarket food so CHEAP?”

To produce great tasting produce on a small scale style in Australia - comes at a cost…

We are asking you to support and pay - for us to farm in a way - to have the highest standards of animal welfare, environmental guidelines, respecting all living organisms from the soil to our staff…

We hope you can come along and be part of our story too.

Interested in learning more about Regenerative and Natural Sequence Farming practices?

Book a consult tour with Jason Hagan