Free-Range Regenerative Berkshire Pork

Free-Range, Regenerative, Ethical Meats grown on our farm in Tooborac, Central Victoria. Hand-crafted and butchered in our Farm Gate Shop. Buy direct from the Farmer. Know where your meat comes from. Berkshire Pigs, Sheep, and Cattle graze the paddocks helping us build soil and regenerate the landscape.

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orders close 6th April


order now for EASTER - orders close 6th April -



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Hi there, we’re Belinda and Jason Hagan, welcome to McIvor Farm Foods…

We are third generation farmers working the land with our two children and small team on our family farm in Tooborac Victoria, about 1 hour north of Melbourne.

We started our lifelong careers in Agriculture, in industrial agriculture; high input, high output and the focus on profit at all costs. After a family health issue & passing of a close family member in a short amount of time we began to question many aspects of lifestyle, food, industrialised systems; the cost to the environment, animals, food….It was to be a pivotal point in our lives and became a catalyst for lifestyle, values and career changes.  This is where the story of McIvor Farm Foods began. 

We call ourselves ‘soil farmers’ who manage to run pigs (and new in 2023 – cattle & sheep) across our property because our focus is on regenerating the land to create a healthier earth, happier animals and better choices for people.

By buying from us – – – you support a local farm, a family, a small regional community, the environment, animal welfare and most of all you with the BEST TASTING MEAT!

FARMS produce FOOD and PEOPLE run farms. So, what sets us apart from the rest… WE CARE!

We CARE about the foods we produce; we consider ourselves custodians of the land and environment and CARE greatly about how it is treated. We CARE for the animals and every living being right down to the microscopic soil microbes and we also CARE greatly about the Future…

Even our customers CARE! Their hard-earned money is being spent with a family and business that CARE about making a difference, no matter how big or small.

We say it’s a symbiotic relationship!

(Relationships are complicated, even in nature. Two unrelated species living close together and interacting for survival is called symbiosis. A mutualistic symbiotic relationship is one in which organisms or people exist together in a way that benefits them all.)

Have a browse on the website - Online Shop, or find out about our Pork Club, what Markets we attend….

If you have any questions about anything we do whether it be in regard to our farming practices or our products don’t hesitate to touch base with us on

Office 0422 608 317

Belinda 0419 422 238

Drop us an email

Our vision…

Our vision began as a few cut outs on a piece of green paper, this was our very first Vision Board.

Our Farm has definitely surpassed our original vision of what we had hoped to create for our family and local community. We have come to understand that dreams are like farms, they are ever evolving and holistic with one element affecting another. The key is to remain fluid and keep your values always in the back of your mind.

After being here for 15 years we are excited to see what the next 15 years hold for our family, our farm, our industry and food systems.